Want To Get Involved?
In 2024, we are delivering 11 programs, not including our shorter skills development workshops. While we haven’t yet completed our work, we reasonably estimate that we will deliver:
- 1,000 hours of individual capacity building and leadership development to
- 130 individuals, and
- 55 community groups across
- 10 different local government areas within North East Victoria, Southern and Border NSW regions.
This work is made possible through our partnerships and grant funding arrangements with a range of organisations, including Border Trust, Into Our Hands Community Foundation, Foundation for Regional and Rural Renewal, Emergency Recovery Victoria, Upper Murray Inc, North East Catchment Management Authority, the Australian Government and Kyamba Foundation. We have also benefited from grant funding from June Canavan Foundation and FRRR, enabling us to explore the philanthropic landscape and consult within our communities to understand our role in shaping positive outcomes and creating impact for the diversity of people that call this region home.
While we work within our communities to facilitate individual and collective capacity building, we continue to seek out opportunities to ensure the viability of AVCL into the future. This includes increasing our efficiencies, undertaking fundraising activities and maintaining strong relationships across a range of industries and sectors. A key component of our viability includes offering opportunities for investment in our organisation. With your help, we can continue to deliver high-quality programs and services that make a significant difference in the communities of those we serve.
Your organisation can:
• Provide foundational funding to our organisation that can support our essential operational overheads, maintenance of our systems and infrastructure, and provide security and investment in our most valuable resource — our people
• Support a participant to increase their leadership capacity through a workplace sponsorship or scholarship
• Offer expert and engaging speakers who can present on topics relevant to a specific program
• Provide a venue and/or catering
• Provide commercial donations in kind
• Partner with us to bring high-level leaders to the region as guest speakers
• Engage AVCL to deliver your next capacity building program or workshop
• Provide a grant that enables the delivery of a new course
• Attend our leadership events
AVCL Fund Ltd has Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status, enabling individuals and organisations to make a tax deductible donation. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution. Please see our donate now page.
Contact our Executive Officer Madeline Hines via eo@avclp.org.au to discuss opportunities for partnerships – we are always ready to listen to new ideas.
Our Supporters
Alpine Valleys Community Leadership Program 2024

Upper Murray Community Leadership Program

Community Capacity Creators Program

Fischer Community Leadership Program

GROW Volunteer Resilience and Capacity Program

Organisational capacity building grants through:

Digital skills mentoring for community groups:

Capacity building in Alpine Shire and Towong Shire:

Youth Leadership Community Recovery Program:

Alpine Valleys Community Leadership Fund Ltd values the philanthropic support provided by Handbury Foundation
In kind media broadcast support from 3NE, 2AY and EDGEFM is deeply appreciated

Some of our past and present supporters, for both the Annual Program and other initiatives, include:
ABC Rural
Adam Bandt MP
Ag Skills Victoria
Agriculture Victoria
Albury Northside Chamber of Commerce
Albury Wodonga Ethnic Communities Council
Albury Wodonga Regional Foodshare
Alpine School Campus, The School for Student Leadership
Alpine Shire Council
Alpine Valleys Dairy Pathways Project
Auditor-General’s Office
Australian Institute of Company Directors
Australian Federal Parliament
Australian Resilience Centre
AVCLP Alumni Scholarship Fund
Benalla Health
Bill Tilley MP
Border Trust
Brown Brothers Winery
Cathy McGowan MP
Charles Sturt University
Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability
Cooinda Aged Care
Cultivate Farms
Department of Economic Development Jobs Transport & Resources
Department of Land Water and Planning
Department of Justice and Regulation
Dowling Brothers Yarrawonga
Environment Protection Authority
Gateway Health
George Kerford Hotel
Goulburn Broken CMA
Goulburn Murray Community Leadership
Hume Phoneix
Indigo Shire Council
Into our Hands Foundation
Sussan Ley MP
June Canavan Foundation
La Trobe University
Lindenwarrah at Milawa
Lingford Consulting
Mansfield & District Community Bank
Mansfield Men’s Shed
Mansfield Shire Council
Melissa Griffiths
Mount Hotham Alpine Resort Management Board
Murray Darling Basin Authority
Myrtleford Saints Football and Netball Club
National Landcare Programme
North East Catchment Management Authority (NECMA)
North East Health Wangaratta
North East Regional Executive Forum
North East Support and Action for Youth (NESAY)
North East Water
Parks Victoria
Pro-Active Tax & Business Services
Quest Apartments Wodonga
Quality Hotel Wangaratta Gateway
Regional Partnerships Ovens Murray
Renee Paola Graphic Design
Regional Development Australia-Hume Committee Regional Development Victoria
Riverine Plains Cropping Group
Ron Finemore Transport
Rural City of Wangaratta
Shadforth Financial Group
Spiire Australia
Steph Ryan MP
Susan Benedyka
Tammy Atkins Consulting
Thathangathay Foundation
The Centre Community College
The Gardiner Foundation
The Hon Damien Drum MP
The Hon Sussan Ley MP
The Hugh Williamson Foundation
Tim McCurdy MP
Total HRM
Towong Shire Council
TSS Advisory
Twin Prism Consulting
Tourism North East
Upper Murray Health & Community Services
Victorian Ombudsman
Victorian Parliament
Victoria Police
Voices for Indi
VRCLP Secretariat
Way Out Wodonga
Winemakers of Rutherglen
Winton Wetlands Committee of Management
Wodonga TAFE
YMCA Howmans Gap
Zonta Club of Wangaratta